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Lipari Island (MELIGUNIS) Area 38,6 sq. km  Inhabitants 10.690

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Lipari alternates very different landscapes, such as dry grass prairies in the western part and the areas of high-Mediterranean maquis, between Monte Chirica and Monte Sant'Angelo. In the first they are the dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis) and  in spring the flowering of many species of orchids, in the second  a rich flora of fresh hilly areas of Sicily, where are prevailing trees, heather and the ferns aquiline. The fauna includes some interesting endemic, such a subspecies of mice (Eliomys quercinus liparensis) and numerous species of insects. Among birds are quite frequent buzzard (Buteo buteo) and the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), the significant presence of imperial crow (Corvus) whose population density reach truly extraordinary in Lipari and in other islands of the archipelago. In western coast and surrounding islands, during the spring months, are nesting some colonies of real Mediterranean gull (Larus cachinnans).


The city of Lipari in 1610 stood on a small rocky promontory surrounded by a robust chain of walls built between 1544 and 1554. Most of the population lived within the walls of fortification, but many lived outside the walls or in remote areas and this was opposed by the Spanish authorities  that considered the castle safe from pirate raids. When the castle became saturated with houses and population the bishop granted, between 1608 and 1611, at the university  building areas near the walled city. Inside the city, there were important churches, the town hall, the bishop's palace and the barracks. Comandata, St. Andrew, Terranova and Verdesca were areas in which the city was divided and the first two were the most wealthy homes and people. Few houses were comfortable and dignified, many were made of a room or two, nearly all were isolated because of the need to collect rainwater. The little amount of water to irrigate heavily influenced agriculture of the Aeolian in the first seventeenth century.


On Lipari may be distincted four periods of volcanic activity,  between the period named Tirreniano I  and the Romanic age. The rock in island represent a typical association calcium-alkaline, in terms of variable composition by quarzo-andesiti to rioliti alkaline. Among the series examined can be divided into three different groups of rocks, each of which takes probably originate from different sources magmatic and/or have undergone different processes of magmatic evolution.
The vulcaniti calcium-alkaline of the aeolian archipelago  show characters petrochemical similar to those of typical "andesiti" of the continental margin and also differ substantially from associations of island arc. The seismic and petrochemicals  data are not favorable to relate the Aeolian islands with a system of type island arc.

General Information

Lipari is the largest of the aeolian islands and has a population of about 9000 inhabitants. The island has a rugged volcanic soil, tuff, obsidian and pumice, and is characterized by coast dirupate, backed by stacks. The center is the main Lipari town situated in a bay of the southeast coast. Agriculture (vines, vegetables, fruit), extraction of pumice stone and especially tourism are the economic resources of the island.


Itineraries for divers

La Pietra Del Bagno

The "Pietra Del Bagno" (stone bath) is a large rock, located a few dozen meters from the west coast of Lipari, which overlooks the southern side of Salina; an easy point to find, which offers diving fun to divers of all levels of experience. The rocks  fall directly to a depth ranging between 25 and 30 meters and then continuing with a spectacular cascade of boulders down to 40 meters. At the southern side of the Stone Bath you are in a of the most interesting place for photography: a depth of about twenty meters rise of giant boulders colorful, invaded by sunlight that penetrates easily into the water limpid.

Punta Castagna

Punta Castagna is in the place of coast of Lipari characterized by  pumice quarries. In a depth of about 10 meters and crossed the garden of white sediment, the show is impressive. There was suspended on an endless abyss that is lost in the most intense blue; the contrast with the whiteness of volcanic dust covering everything is violent. The morphology of the seabed is extremely varied: swimming at the bottom of valleys by high walls; will fly pointed peaks; we flank overhanging walls. As a fund may decide to go you will always intense blue under fins and not ever see the end of this abyss. We do a lot of attention: the bottom is always the same, at 30 as at 60 meters the same atmosphere, the same dark color of water. The ideal deep is that of 40 meters: not too deep but already teeming with fans Paramuricee and fittissimi banks of Anthias. A little further up there is a vertical split rich in prawns.   

Overland Tours

One of the first things to do, just come to Lipari, is the tour of the island, to appreciate his greatness and urbanization. At about 4 km from Lipari meets Canneto, located in a cove bordered to the south east from Mount Pilate. From Canneto, along the road that leads to the church of Pirrera, can be reached Forgia vecchia, Rocche Rossed and Campo Bianco, famous for casting of obsidian the first two  and the expanses of pumice the last. Continuing along the road leading to Acquacalda be reached Porticello, dominated by white pumice deposits. After the promontory of Punta Castagna, meets Acquacalda where there is a beach dominated by pumice quarries. From here begins the climb to the mountain to the village of Quattropani, situated on a promontory just opposite the island of Salina. Continuing stands on a plateau in vineyards, the village of Pianoconte with its white farmhouses. About a quarter of an hour from Pianoconte, there are the Baths of S. Calogero, built in 1867 and known right from the ancient times for their therapeutic effects, as witness the presence of a Roman sweat  cave, which dates back to about 3,500 years ago, and a "Tholos"  of a civilization Mycenaean civilization , unearthed during work restoration of 1984/85. Back on the main road is reaching the suggestive Belvedere  of Quattrocchi. From here you can admire the picturesque creeks from headcoasts, the enchanting view of the Faraglioni and the background of the island of Vulcano. Again back on the main road, continuing to Lipari, a deviation interesting is the path that climbs from the vineyards of Mount Guard. On top of the mountain is the international geophysical observatory.


Who loves nature can do great experiences in the Aeolian archipelago. In these islands, in fact, are rare landscape of the plant and animal kingdom. The careful observer can grasp phenomena such as allowing plants to survive in extreme climates, without water and with too light and heat. Characteristic is the Mediterranean vegetation consists mainly of oleanders, myrtle, heather, brooms and oak as well as aromatic shrubs and  thyme. The landscape plant is characterized by culture of olive groves and vineyards that make up the coating plant of the islands mainly in the areas of higher relief. The trekking allows the visitor to take a more complete picture of this fascinating archipelago and its natural heritage. There are roads and mule tracks that were used by many workers to reach the pumice quarries, the arrival of tourism and the abandonment of crops have encouraged the fall in use of most of these paths making them disappear in the thick vegetation; today all paths are easily feasible thanks to the cooperative "il sentiero".

Tours by sea

Very interesting is the tour boat around Lipari, from where you can admire landscapes worked for millennia and wonderful seabed. The one after another succeed deep caves, beautiful beaches, high coasts , wide bays and wild cliffs. It is usually starting from Marina Corta going to Canneto, overcoming finally the promontory of Monte Rosa. Surpassing the town you can see the white pumice deposits, with the characteristic piers extending to the sea (used for the transport of pumice on cargo ships). The White Beach, one of the most beautiful of Lipari, named for the color of the sea, due to the sediments of pumice falled at sea over the years. The continuous variation of geological situations is concrete at Punta Castagna, formed by obsidian become a promontory: this is one of the most picturesque corners of the coastline. Rounding Punta Castagna  appears Acquacalda. After the channel that separates Lipari from Salina appears Inzolfato, a nature sulfur stratified composition. Shortly later meet the cliffs of the Torricelle, Punta del Palmeto and Pietra del bagno. Pass the Punta of Fontanelle and that of Grotticelle there is the beach ov Valle Muria. Immediately after the cliffs of Formiche (Ants), opposite Vulcano, passing under the arch rocky Punta del Perciato, we see the solitary Faraglioni of Pietra Menalda and Pietra Longa, guarding the channel that separates Lipari from Vulcano. Shortly before Punta Crepazza appears a charming beach called Praia di Vinci. The picturesque creeks one another the one until the fortress of Lipari, finally arriving at the port of Marina Corta.


Eoliano Archaeological Museum with the annexed archaeological park, Cathedral Church in Old Quattropani


  • Information 090.9852028

  • Center services tourism 090.9813542

  • Hydrofoils Snav 090.9812448

  • Hydrofoils Siremar 090.9812200

  • Ships Siremar 090.9811312

  • Ships NGI 090.9811955

  • Hospital civil 090.98851

  • Room hyperbaric 090.9885257

  • Harbor 090.9813522

  • Carabinieri 090.9811333

  • Guardia di Finanza 090.9811360

  • Body forestry 090.9880547

  • Firefighters 090.9880400


  • corso V. Emanuele, 128 - 090.9811583

  • corso V. Emanuele, 174 -  090.9811392

  • via Garibaldi, 60 - 090.9811472

  • Marina Garibaldi (Loc. Canneto) -  0909811428


LEGENDA: 1-Lipari 2-Pietralunga 3-Pianoconte 4-Terme di San Calogero 5-Chiesa vecchia di Quattropani 6-Acquacalda 7-Cave di Pomice 8-Canneto 9-Monterosa 10-Monte Sant'Angelo




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