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Archaeological Museum and Virtual Visit to 360 degrees of the Lipari's acropolis


                                       Virtual Visit to 360 degrees of the Lipari's acropolis


The archaeological museum of Lipari


Section I.

It is located in the palace of the bishops, adjacent to the cathedral, construction of the seventeenth century. Materials excavation of the Acropolis Lipari

ROOM I - The exhibit materials of the two phases of the oldest Aeolian's Neolithic
ROOM II - Materials of the third and fourth phase of the Aeolian's Neolithic 
ROOM III -Materials of  the fourth stage of the Aeolian's Neolithic .
ROOM IV - Aeolian's Neolithic.
ROOM V - Recent Aeolian's Neolithic .
ROOM VI - first age of bronze: Culture of Cape Graziano; middle age of Bronze: Culture "Milazzese" (from Milazzo). Ceramics local imports Aegean.


ROOM VII - Late age of bronze. First phase of culture Ausonia (1250-1150 BC)
ROOM VIII - finish age of bronze -Second phase culture Ausonia (1150-850 BC).
ROOM IX - end of the second period of civilization Ausonia (late ninth century BC). The village dell'Ausonio II underwent a violent destruction. The huts burned (evident in the excavation traces of fire) collapsed burying all masserizie that contained. One has the impression that after the destruction this village not being rebuilt.
ROOM X - Greek and Roman civilization in the urban area of Lipari. From ROOM X , a wall of which is made up of the remains of the Norman building blocks built with Greek riused, which rises in the garden below, where other remains of the palace and visit:
ROOM XI - epigraphic hall (there are collected and entered stems from the tombs of the necropolis of Lipari from the fifth century. BC to the Roman).

Section II

It is located in front of the bishop's palace (room XII-XV) with archaeological island of Panarea, Filicudi, Alicudi, Salina, Stromboli.


Section III, Section IV and Section V

They are located in another building north of the cathedral with the necropolis and proto-classic Lipari, the prehistory and proto Milazzo, and marine archeology. They are so divided

Bottom left:

ROOMS XVI and XVII - Archaeological Materials from Milazzo.
ROOM XVI (at the bottom) - Necropolis of the middle age of bronze found in the village Sottocastello (XIV-XIII sec. BC). Necropolis was rebuilt exactly as it was found during excavations in May 1952. Only some of the graves on the margins were very close to the main group.
ROOM XVII - Necropolis protovillanoviana (XII-XI century BC) and necropolis protogreca (716-580 about BC) discovered around the square Rome and via XX September.


Bottom right:

ROOM XVIII - has been faithfully rebuilt the necropolis early dell'Ausonio II in Lipari found in excavations of Monfalcone Piazzetta, in the center of the modern city, in 1953.
ROOM XIX - are exposed main types of sarcophagi, vases cinerari, large jars containing the accompanying funerary cippi and stems of the great Greek and Roman necropolis of Lipari.


ROOMS XX-XXV -Necropolis Greek and Roman in the country Diana Lipari. The excavations of Greek and Roman necropolis of Lipari exploring about 2500 graves, brought to the Aeolian Museum  a large number of works of art, especially ceramics and terracotta figures. The first graves are just after the founding of the Greek colony (580 BC).
The graves that have richer outfits are those of the fourth century BC. In the first half of this century belongs crater with a representation of an episode dell'Odissea. Ulysses, arrived at the home of Ciconi receives from Maron, a priest of Apollo, goatskin wine, which will drink the Cyclops Polyphemus.
In the second half of the fourth century, flourishes in Lipari a local school ceramics. Characteristic of this school is the wide use of polychromy, which for favorable ground conditions, it is often very well preserved. In Lipari half of the fourth century BC Thrive, a lively coroplastica which draws its themes from contemporary theater. It is a remarkable testimony series of clay model of theatrical masks of this age.
ROOM XXIV is exposed result of the excavations carried out at a small shrine dedicated to Demeter and Kore dug in the village Diana.
In ROOM XXV is rebuilt a group of tombs of the necropolis. With its polychrome ceramics and its coroplastica Lipari is in the fourth century. BC One of the most vivid art and individual Greece of the West and to some extent spiritually closest that southern Italy to Sicily.

Returning to the ground floor, before exiting, take a look at the  ROOM XXVI Hall marine archeology.


The exhibit materials from Undersea Research carried out over the last thirty years of the the  AeolianIslands.

Of interest are the exceptional prehistoric pottery style Cape Graziano I (XVII-XVI sec. BC) recovered in the bay of Lipari. In just over a recent amphora fragment of a Mycenaean age bracket (XVI-XV sec.aC).

Anfore from wrecks IV sec. BC Graziano, head of Filicudi and the fourth century. BC The Ants of Panarea.

Great complex ceramic amphorae and painted black (IV-III sec. BC) from a cargo ship sank at the Head of Filicudi Graziano.

Great complex ceramic amphorae and painted black (Bell) who were loading a ship oneraria sank at the dry Lipari (half sec.aC III).

Great complex ceramic amphorae and painted black (Campana B) by loading a ship oneraria sank at the Head of Filicudi Graziano (half III BC).
Anfore old imperial Roman other wreck at Filicudi.

Cannons bronze vessel of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century whose wreck was superimposed on those of Greek ships of Filicudi.
In the park surrounding the museum were rebuilt different types of tombs from the fourth century Fr. BC Necropolis found in the village of Diana.

The Room Geological - VULCANOLOGICal of the Museum Eoliano illustrates through charts, models and captions geological history of the Aeolian islands and various episodes through which they have made their appearance today.





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