San Pietro –
Drauto – Castello – Costa del Capraio
Distance: Km 2,2 - Gradient: m 200 - Time: 1 hour - Difficulty:
Having reached the village of Drauto, we climb to the right amidst a
group of small houses, along a laneway bordered by walls which
gradually narrow as far as the highest buildings, and then lead to the
start of the path and the Nature Reserve. We get to the plain, m 220
below the Castle, and continue along to the Costa del Capraio (about m
240), a dangerous rocky ridge which drops sheer to the sea. At this
point, those who do not wish to retrace their steps can turn left,
going down towards Piano Milazzese to link up again with the
pathway continues further up through part of the island which was once
intensely cultivated, as can be seen from the widespread presence of
terraces, ruins and water tanks.

Itinerary 1
Itinerary Panarea