Salina Island (DIDYME)
Area 26,76 sq. km Inhabitants 2400
For further information (click on the link hereunder):
The forest formations (partly riforestate)
and the forest of Fossa delle Felci were at the origin of
the institution, back in 1980, of the first protected areas
of the Sicilian territory. Among the chestnut lives dormice
(Myoxus glis), surely introduced in historical age.
Remarkable is the diversity of rhe birds, which in addition
to sedentary species include a large number of migrants, due
to the presence of salty pond of Punta Lingua. From a
naturalistic profile, the most interesting zone is that
Western: on the Cliff south of Pollara back every summer to
nest twenty pairs of Queen falcon (Falco aeleonorae),
rare falcon endemic in Mediterranean and authentic "specialist"
of the small islands; on the little island in the middle of
the bay, the Rock Faraglione, found refuge one of the last
populations of black lizard Aeolian (Podarcis raffonei),
and are nesting a few pairs greater shearwater (Calonectris
diomedea), whose songs, similar to tears of a child,
echo night against the walls of tufa that dominate the
After Lipari is
the second island in terms of extension: about 27 sq
km in area. Instead, it is the highest with the
peaks of the mountains "Fossa delle Felci" and
"Monte dei Porri", old volcanoes. It is the second
most populated island in the archipelago with its
2400 inhabitants. From a historical point of view
was also Salina protagonist in the development of
the eolian Neolithic. In the life of island are
alternating periods of complete abandonment and
others of strong growth.
Some findings at St.
Marina reported a substantial settlement, formed
around the fourth century BC, developed in
Hellenistic age and then even more in the late
imperial Roman age. Development continued until
Byzantine and medieval ages. Around the seventh
century AD Salina was one of the most populated
Aeolian because volcanoes of Lipari were in eruption.
The Arab invasions made it deserted until around the
seventeenth century populations and activities known
new splendor. The development of the island is also
due to the aboundance of water and thus of
Tours A road network linking the three towns and
the within of island, allowing striking routes for
views offered by nature. South St. Marina meets the
salty lake Lingua (now little more than a pond
separated from the sea by a thin embankment), which
is used as salt until a few years ago. On Lingua can
be reached Monte Fossa delle Felci, an old extinct
volcano whose summit there is a splendid view on the
archipelago. From S. Marina to the north, following
the road that runs along the sea, cross Capo faro
(Head Lighthouse) until graceful center of Malfa.
After fraction of Malfa, the main road branches off
into two directions. The first leads to the seaside
village of Pollara, where there is the most
beautiful beach of the island scenery of the film Il
Postino of M.Troisi. Here we go swimming in a rock
setting, the structure of which is the middle of a
semicircle of the crater. The second branch until
then fraction of Valdichiesa (Azienda
Galletta) where you can admire
the shrine of "Nostra Signora del Terzito" (Our Lady
of Terzito) built in 1600. The road connecting Leni
to Malfa winds to a path that leads to Monte dei
Porri, surrounded by poplars, chestnut trees and
ferns. Continuing on the main road, we finally
reached the picturesque Rinella, was originally a
small group of houses lined along the beach, it is
now one of the most popular tourist centers of the
Trekking to
"Fossa delle felci". Salina the island greener
throughout the archipelago, is the ideal place for lovers of
this discipline and tranquility; "Fossa delle Felci" is the
highest peak throughout the archipelago and nature reserve.
Starting from Valdichiesa (Azienda
or S. Marina Salina you can make
an excursion to the mountain, from which one can enjoy a
wonderful panorama with the view of the entire archipelago,
the coast of Sicily and, in the distance, of Etna.
Excursion via sea.
Around the island by boat we admire, as
well as the transparency of the sea, the beautiful cliffs
worked by the force of nature, the delightful beaches and
villages, from typical white houses, lying along the sea or half
coast . Starting from Santa Marina the tour of the
island by boat and pointing northwards, Salina reveals also
his nature through the volcanic rocks of the wild cliffs of
Capo Faro and Torricella. From here We flank the
picturesque but impressive valleys of terminals of volcanic peaks.
Continuing, we arrive at Punta del Perciato, which is a big
arc in promontory created by the force of the sea. Leaving
behind the Perciato you get the stack of Pollara, rich in
caves. Just beyond is double the west end of Salina and
continue until Rinella. Finally meets Punta Lingua, which
is the peak closest to the island of Lipari; completing the
turn retourning s to S. Marina. The sea surrounding the
island is rich in fish. The fish of "cicirella" sauri, anchovies,
sardines, occhiate and ope is abundant, the swordfish is done
with good results.
Itineraries for divers
The Secca of Pollara
After Punta del Perciato we enter the
spectacular bay of Pollara, within an ancient crater, now
partly collapsed. The "secca" is located a few hundred meters.
At off rock that emerges at the center of drops there are
huge boulders and imposing, high over 10 meters and close
with each other, to form a continuous structure rocky and
very extended: peaks, valleys, sandy trails at the base of
walls, similar in streams that flow in a canyon. Among the
impressive fund rocks are beautiful actinia, extensive
colonies of yellow sponges from osculi prominent and
beautiful rock walls, enriched by the ramifications of
yellow sea fans. The rocky gorges are very rich in Gronghi
and Murene.
The Secca del Capo It is a rocky area that rises to the surface,
surrounded by depths of several hundred meters deep. The
references that fishermen use to find the point are three:
the Faraglione of Pollara must appear in the hole of Punta Perciato; Mount Rosa should be entirely with Punta
Castagna, while the Rock of Nave must "do canalicchio"
with Panarea, ie forming a "V" without being completely detached
from the tip of the island. You must go into planning a
water depth between forty and forty-five meters. From here
you will have a spectacular view of the secca, completely
surrounded by a cloud of guarracini black contrast violently
with the whiteness of the rock and the blue of the sea. The
bottom consists of large boulders, rich in lair fish. What
changes here compared to other areas is likely to hold sensational
meetings with fish out of the ordinary,
especially for pelagic species.
Malfa Museum of Aeolian emigration
(090.9844372) and the Art Gallery library (090.9844372)
At Salt Lake Punta Lingua admire the
remains of walls of imperial Rome, Monte Fossa delle Felci
m. 962, Nature Reserve Monte dei Porri (advisable guided
excursion). A boat tour with a stop at Pollara with his
stack (where enjoy splendid sunsets), Punta Perciato
(Rinella) and the ancient port of Malfa
Municipality of Leni
Guard medical 090.9809186
Pharmacy via Freedom 090.9809053
Forest Guard 090.9880547
Ustica Lines pier Rinella 090.9809233
Siremar pier Rinella 090.9809170

LEGENDA: 1-Lingua
2-Santa Maria Salina
5-Santuario della Madonna del Terzito (Valdidchiesa)
6-Leni 7-Rinella
8-Monte Fossa delle Felci